Dr. Roger Ramsammy Elected to World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics Board of Directors


President Ramsammy

HVCC President is Only 美国 Representative on WFCP Board

Hudson Valley Community College President Roger Ramsammy, Ph.D. 最近当选为世界大专及理工学院联合会(WFCP)的董事会成员。. Formally established in 2002, 世界粮食计划署为成员提供了一个论坛,以交流最佳做法,促进全球的专业技术教育和培训,” with a vision of becoming “the principal international network for colleges, institutes and polytechnics.”

President Ramsammy is currently the only board member representing the 美国, and Hudson Valley Community College is the only U.S. member of the WFCP’s Global Member Network, which includes 22 countries: Australia, 巴西, 加拿大, 智利, 中国, 加纳, 印度, 伊拉克, 意大利, 牙买加, 日本, 肯尼亚, 拉脱维亚, 毛里求斯, 尼日利亚, 巴基斯坦, 塞内加尔, 西班牙, United Arab Emirates, 联合王国, 美国, 和津巴布韦.

“我很荣幸被选为世界大学和理工学院联合会的董事会成员,” said President Ramsammy. “世界粮食计划署在促进跨境合作和为全球教育工作者提供相互学习的机会方面发挥着至关重要的作用. I am honored to become a part of that conversation on behalf of Hudson Valley Community College, and I look forward to both increasing opportunities for partnership with other WFCP member nations, and helping to inspire other U.S. colleges and universities to join the organization.”

President Ramsammy’s goals as a WFCP board member include working to increase WFCP membership and support member engagement and retention in the organization; collaborating with American community colleges and baccalaureate degree-granting institutions to increase participation in WFCP sub-committees, 研讨会, affinity groups and professional development activities and awards programs; and serving as a liaison to the board, 或者作为主人, for future WFCP conferences or events to be held in New York or elsewhere in the 美国.

自2018年成为推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜第七任校长以来,这种对国际推广和伙伴关系建设的重视一直是拉姆萨米校长领导的标志. 学院的目标是通过为最需要的人提供教育机会,帮助打破贫困的恶性循环,国际推广是实现这一目标的关键组成部分, 从而加强家庭和他们居住的社区- -两者都在纽约州的首都地区, where the college is located, and around the world.

Hudson Valley has an established history as an institution welcoming international students; each year, 平均有超过35个国家的学生来特洛伊旅游, NY campus to pursue higher education. Under President Ramsammy’s leadership, 哈德逊河谷已经采取了许多新的全球倡议,旨在帮助为来自世界各地的学生创造教育机会.

在哥斯达黎加建立教育伙伴关系一直是拉姆萨米总统的首要任务之一, and in November of 2021, 学院与哥斯达黎加公共教育部(MEP)签署了一份谅解备忘录,建立了伙伴关系,以帮助减少哥斯达黎加城市和农村教育之间存在的差距. This is the first partnership between a U.S. higher education institution and MEP. 除了, 学院为来自哥斯达黎加汽车教育公司的汽车机械教员开发了一项电动汽车培训师计划, which held its inaugural session on Hudson Valley’s campus in May of 2022. 哥斯达黎加的艾萨克·牛顿大学也在校园内为哈德逊谷提供了办公空间, which supports the college’s outreach efforts in Costa Rica and throughout Central America.

学院还与全球多所高中和大学建立了合作关系, which have led to innovative program models. The Global Classroom High School Program (GCHP), launched in Costa Rica during the summer of 2020, 允许美国以外的高中生在线学习大学水平的学分课程, 异步, at a significantly reduced cost. 学分可以应用于哈德逊河谷项目或转移到大多数四年制学院和大学在美国, as well as many institutions outside the 美国. The program has been extremely successful, enrolling students from 22 countries during the summer of 2021, with more expected in 2022.

Over the past few years, 拉姆萨米总统和哈德逊河谷还会见了其他几个国家的代表,制定了未来伙伴关系的计划, including the Philippines, Trinidad and Barbados, 德国, 爱尔兰, 中国, 尼加拉瓜, 以色列, the CARICOM nations of the Caribbean, and the Ivory Coast, 举几个例子.

在本地, 学院建立了一个移民和难民社区论坛,为那些需要学院教育和劳动力培训的人建立一个连接点. 也, 哈德逊河谷邀请首都地区国际中心(ICCR)将其总部迁至校园内,与学院的全球倡议办公室共用一个空间. ICCR是一个非营利性组织,成立于1956年,旨在通过欢迎国际领导人和新来者到首都地区来促进文化理解. 它在校园的存在促进了学院与ICCR之间的协同关系,并加强了ICCR提供公民外交经验的努力, while allowing the college to increase its global presence.

除了 to his membership on the WFCP board, President Ramsammy serves on numerous other boards, commissions and committees, including the Board of Directors of the New York State Economic Development Council; Regional Economic Development Council; Center for Economic Growth and its Advanced Manufacturing Workgroup; the United Way of the Greater Capital Region and its Community Impact and Investment Committee; the American Association of Community Colleges Commission on Structured Pathways; the City of Albany’s COVID Recovery Task Force; and the Capital Region Chamber's Strategic Plan Directors' Workgroup, 举几个例子.

A native of Trinidad, Ramsammy总统是第一代大学生,他认识到教育在改变个人生活和社区方面的巨大潜力. He joined Hudson Valley in 2018 with more than 30 years of experience in higher education, 包括在美国最大、最多样化的三所多校区学院担任高级职位, and he has received multiple awards for his commitment to global affairs, 多样性, equity and inclusion, as well as his innovative teaching and administrative accomplishments.

那些有兴趣了解更多关于成为世界大学和理工学院联合会成员的信息的人,可以联系Ramsammy主席 wfcp@fzmrtz.com


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